high performance fiber optic sensors
Tilt sensors
Deflection or bending of (super) structures can provide invaluable information about their structural integrity. A bridge, for example, is subject to dynamic loading from passing trucks and lorries, which will accumulate stresses and strains over time. As a result, the bridge will slowly deform (e.g. compaction, deflection and/or bending).
These changes in bridge shape and structure are so slow and subtle that they often go unnoticed by maintenance engineers. However, such long-term deformation is far from harmless! If undetected, collapse is only a matter of time.
TI 2000 T
The TI 2000 T sensor is the latest addition to the Somni Solutions tilt sensor family.
It is the world's most sensitive fiber optic tilt sensor with an unprecedented sensitivity of approximately 2000 pm/degree.
TI 500 T
Somni Solutions' TI 500 T sensor is used to monitor small changes in tilt angle with high accuracy and stability.
This sensor is particularly suitable for monitoring large structures and objects such as bridges.
TI 200 T
The TI 200 T sensor from Somni Solutions is similar in shape and size to the TI 500 T, but has an extended angle range to enable tilt and inclination measurements from -15 to +15 degrees.
All sensors are housed in a robust stainless steel enclosure for maximum protection in harsh environments.
Somni Corporation bv
Rotterdamseweg 183C
2629 HD Delft
The Netherlands
+31 702001967