high performance fiber optic sensors
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Contract development service
Fiber optic sensors are used in many different applications and markets, from aerospace to energy, but also in civil applications such as structural health monitoring of vital infrastructure and defence applications to protect vital underwater assets.
Fiber optic sensors are often seen as an enabler that can make a difference! But how do you learn and start using this new technology? Somni provides technical support and consultancy services to customers interested in learning about fibre optic sensing. We give guest lectures to University Masters students and companies to raise awareness of what fiber optic sensing can do.
We also open our laboratory facilities to external parties to demonstrate and test fiber optic technology.
Somni is well equipped with various setups for testing strain, pressure, temperature, tilt, acceleration and even hydrogen leakage. We also have a large collection of different interrogator brands and types to play with.
If you are interested in visiting our facility, please contact us!
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Luna Hyperion
Contract develompment service
Fiber optical sensors can be used in many application areas. By using its in depth knowledge of fiber optic sensors, Somni would like to play a role in all these application areas. Of course, with the goal to help the customer with a solution to his problem.
Therefore, Somni works together with the customer who has a more in-depth application knowledge of his work field than Somni. By doing such a development in a completely open relationship with each other, in many cases it was proven that the impossible can be achieved.
Although Somni's focus is on the development of the sensor, Somni can very well support and give direction to the development of the sensor system. In many cases Somni also took full responsibility for this.
A hydrophone array is made up of several hydrophones (under water microphones) placed in known locations. These hydrophones maybe placed in a line on the seafloor, moored in a vertical line in the water column, or towed in a horizontal line behind a boat or ship, for example. Sound arriving at the array from a distant source, such as a submarine, will reach each hydrophone at slightly different times, depending on the direction from which the sound is coming. This time difference is known as the time-of-arrival-difference and can be turned into a direction. Using this information from all the hydrophones in the array, the direction from which the sound is coming can be pinpointed.
Even a simple array consisting of only two hydrophones can give the approximate direction from which a sound is coming. People do this all the time in air with a “receiving array” that consists of two ears. Sound arriving from a source, such as a person speaking, will reach each ear at slightly different times, depending on the direction from which the sound is coming, making it possible for the listener to tell the direction to the speaker.
When the listener wants to detect weak sound, hydrophone arrays are much better than single hydrophones. This is because the array can filter out noise coming in from all directions and focus on sounds arriving from a specific direction. The increased signal-to-noise ratio allows sounds that normally couldn’t be detected by a single hydrophone to be heard. And of course, the sensitivity of the hydrophone must be as high as possible to be able to pick up the smallest sounds.